"Goodbye Cruel World" monologue adapted from the play "The Gingerbread Girl" ISBN-13: 978-1452871448
(FOX sees the Gingerbread Girl approaching and jumps back in fear)
You're... gingerbread!
(FOX moans and holds his tummy)
Oh, I was hoping I'd never see another Gingerbread person
ever again.
(FOX sees she is crying)
I'm sorry. Please don't cry. That was a mean thing to
say. It's just that I ate the last Gingerbread person to come here and
now I have a horrible tummy ache. I wish I could do something about
it. It feels like he's a big lump in my stomach that I can't get out.
If desired, a recording can play or someone off stage can say "Run, run
as fast as you can."
(FOX sighs)
Yes, he's still singing in there too. "Run, run as fast
as you can." I can't sleep!
(He cries and whines and then looks at the Gingerbread Girl)
You want to help? But how?
(FOX acts like she grabbed him by the arm and then
falls. He acts like he is in the water now drowning)
Help! Help! I can't swim on a full stomach.
Oh, oh. Cramp! I'm going down.
(FOX acts like he goes underwater and then comes up again)
Somebody save the fox! I'm going down again.
Goodbye cruel world!
(FOX goes down again. Then he pops up one last time)
(FOX does a dramatic drowning scene)
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